Chemical Engineering Degree And Study Guide

Chemical Engineering Degree And Study Guide
Chemical Engineering Degree And Study Guide

Introduction Of Chemical Engineering Degree And Study Guide

Chemical Engineering Degree And Study Guide. Is a chemical engineering degree worth it now there’s going to be a lot of chemistry involved here but you’re also going to be studying mathematics science and physics around 11 000 people graduate with this one every year so it’s one of the more common engineering degrees next?

Chemical Engineering Is One Of The Better-Paying Ones

We’re going to be talking about salary or earning potential now most people know that engineering degrees pay well and chemical engineering is one of the better-paying ones with chemical engineering you’ll make 73 000 a year starting and 128 000 in mid-career pay you can compare that to the highest-earning degree and a really low earning degree and you’ll see.

That it’s definitely on the higher side if you become a chemical engineer you’ll make around 108 000 a year there’s a lot of different career paths you can go down with this degree it’s relatively flexible if you do want to become a chemical engineer you’ll likely have to move somewhere to get your first job you could also potentially become an engineering manager later on in your career and they make around 144 000.

A year as a chemical engineer you can work in a lot of other engineering specialties like let’s say you become a biomedical engineer they make around 91 000 a year so as you can see a lot of different career paths you could go down and all of them are gonna pay decently well I always recommend going for a job where you can make at least seventy-five thousand dollars a year.

A Chemical Engineering Degree On A Pay Scale

Because studies have shown that your happiness maxes out around seventy-five to eighty thousand meaning the more money you make the happier you are up to a certain point now overall it’s no secret engineering degrees tend to pay extremely well across the board over a lifetime people who get a college degree earn around 2.4 million dollars but those

Who gets an engineering degree earn 3.5 million that’s the highest out of any type of degree and maybe 20 or 30 years from now it might be different but right now engineering degrees do well on top of that a lot of people who go into engineering end up becoming entrepreneurs later on and that practical problem-solving skill that they have comes in handy and so this one is a no-brainer.

I’m going to have to give it a 10 out of 10 when it comes to salary now when it comes to satisfaction I always like to go over meaning as well as job satisfaction meaning is how much you think your career positively impacts the world whereas job satisfaction is how much do you enjoy doing your job on a day-to-day basis in the short term job satisfaction tends to win out.

But you could argue that long term meaning is more important so for instance for a chemical engineering degree on a pay scale when we look at the meaning score it’s around 56 percent you can compare that to a really good one and a bad one and you’ll see that it’s either average or slightly above average now if you look at chemical engineering grads.

Who Become Chemical Engineers

Who become chemical engineers you’ll see that they have a 61 meaning score and their job satisfaction is 73 percent you can compare that to a really good one and a bad one and you’ll see that it’s definitely above average here now with that being said one of the great things about becoming an engineer is it tends to be a very well respected and flexible degree you might get a chemical engineering degree.

But you end up becoming something completely unrelated like a marketer so the point here is that if you get tired of becoming a chemical engineer you don’t want to become one you have a lot of other options engineering is the third least regretted type of degree only around 15 percent of people who get it regret it and the reason is that some of the best jobs are going to require advanced degrees.

However, I always like to say here job satisfaction means extremely subjective it depends on all kinds of different things everybody’s different for one person it could be a 10 out of 10 for another person it could be a 1 out of 10 or even within the same career you know maybe the industry that you work in or the company you work for the people you work around the place that you live in so.

Chemical Engineers For Instance

It’s very subjective but overall being as fair as I can I’m going to go ahead and give this one an 8 out of 10 when it comes to satisfaction next we’re going to be talking about demand and this is basically how much demand there is for certain skills that people learn with various types of majors it also has a lot to do with the popularity of degrees so.

Some degrees are really good or they used to be good they got extremely popular so many people went into them and now they’re kind of saturated and overrated in my opinion that is true for some extent with engineering degrees and specifically getting an engineering degree to become an engineer and by that I mean when you look at chemical engineers for instance.

There are around 32 000 jobs and it’s only growing around four percent that’s pretty average and if you look at a lot of other technology and mathematics careers and health degree careers for instance you’re gonna see that they’re growing way faster than another one would be an engineering manager which there’s around 198 000 and they’re growing at three percent the same thing with the biomedical engineer.

Chemical Engineering Degree You’re Gonna See That Only Around 2000 Jobs

There’s 21 000 and they’re growing at five percent now when I first saw this I thought you know what hey engineering is overrated and it kind of makes sense because it’s been hyped for decades but what I didn’t realize is a lot of people get engineering degrees and then they end up going into completely unrelated careers and it’s okay because engineering degrees are pretty much universally respected.

A lot of business owners and hiring managers love to hire people who get these types of degrees like engineering and physics and the reason is that they know they’re getting somebody who’s a good problem solver they’re very hardworking and they’re probably really smart as well so just realize that if you’re trying to become a chemical engineer by getting a chemical engineering degree it’s going to be pretty hard it’s not impossible by any means but just know that.

There are not all that many jobs out there and so you need to plan and make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into so for instance if you look on and you type in chemical engineering degree you’re gonna see that only around 2000 jobs pop up you can compare this to a computer science degree where there’s a ton of demand or something like anthropology where there’s not very much and you’re going to see that it’s kind of on the lower side now.

That doesn’t mean that companies aren’t hiring people who have engineering degrees I really like this survey that the national association of colleges and employers did where they basically asked a bunch of different businesses what types of college degrees college majors that they’re looking to hire engineering was the top one of course and if you break it down even further you can see that chemical engineering was in the top six so there are a ton of companies out there that are looking to hire people that have engineering degrees and chemical engineering is relatively flexible.