Forestry Degree Benefits Pros And Cons In 2025

Forestry Degree Benefits Pros And Cons In 2022
Forestry Degree Benefits Pros And Cons In 2022

Introduction Of Forestry Degree Benefits Pros And Cons In 2022

Forestry Degree Benefits Pros And Cons In 2022. Is a forestry degree worth it when it comes to salary or earning potential with this degree you would expect to make around 44 000 a year starting and 75 000 in mid-career pay you can compare that to a high-paying degree like petroleum engineering or a really low paying degree like recreational.

A Forester And They Make Around Sixty-Two Thousand Dollars

Therapy and you see that it’s on the lower side but it’s not as bad as recreational therapy now one career path you might go down is becoming a conservation scientist or a forester and they make around sixty-two thousand dollars a year now I always tell people to aim for around seventy-five to eighty thousand dollars a year because studies have shown.

That you increase your happiness up to a certain point and that’s around seventy five to eighty thousand a year beyond that point your happiness doesn’t increase all that much more and so i always say it’s a good idea to aim for that just so you can maximize your happiness and with this career it might be a little bit difficult for you to get to that level and that’s not all that uncommon.

When it comes to science-related degrees and science-related careers they’re usually pretty average paying and sometimes even below average so when it comes to the total amount of money that you make over a lifetime with a college degree it’s usually around 2.4 million dollars with a physical science degree it’s around 2.6 million and biological science is 2.3 so.

That Forestry Has A 66 Meaning Score

It’s a little bit above average with physical and below average with biological overall with this one I’m going to give it a score of 6 out of 10. next, we’re going to be talking about satisfaction, and with this one, I always like to talk about meaning as well as job satisfaction so the meaning is going to be how much you think your career positively impacts the world.

Whereas job satisfaction is just how much do you enjoy doing your job on a day-to-day basis this one is always extremely subjective but I do my best to break it down as fairly as possible so when it comes to mean you see that forestry has a 66 meaning score which is on the higher side you can compare that to a high score like radiation.

Therapy at 91 percent or really low score like plastics engineering technology at 31 that means that a lot of people who graduate with forestry degrees tend to go into careers where they think that their career positively impacts the world now if you look at a specific career that they go into like a forester, for instance, you’re gonna see that the meaning score is 81.

Becoming A Forester Though That’s A Relatively Rare Job

Which is high and the job satisfaction score is 85 you can compare that to a really good one like clergy or a really bad one like parking lot attendant and you’ll see that it’s definitely on the higher side not everyone ends up becoming a forester though that’s a relatively rare job and people who end up getting into that are probably people.

Who wants to be outdoors so like i said before this one is extremely subjective a lot of people also end up working in government jobs like i said before and it’s really going to change depending on what type of job you go into the people you work around what kind of pace the environment is in you know is it a fast-paced environment is it slow paced the business. You Can Also Read Computer Engineering Degree And Future Jobs Guide.

You work for the industry you work in all kinds of different things are going to contribute to the factor of how much you enjoy doing your job but overall i’m going to give this one a relatively good score of 7.5 out of 10. now when it comes to demand with a forestry career it’s growing at around 5 over the next 10 years but there are only around 3 600 jobs available.

When You Type In The Keyword Forestry Degree

This means there’s only going to be about 1700 that pop up and the number of jobs available is going to change quite a bit depending on where you live so for instance there are not that many jobs available in Nevada because it’s sort of like a desert climate so there’s a chance that you will have to move to get a job and when you type in the keyword forestry degree on only around a thousand jobs pop up you can compare that to a degree.

Where there’s not very much demand like anthropology where 800 jobs pop up or one where there’s lots of demand like computer science were 141 000. however, I always like to say this there are lots of jobs out there that are probably completely unrelated to forestry they have absolutely nothing to do with forestry where you just have to have a college degree to apply for them and so you do have to consider that overall when it comes to demand I’m going to give this one a 5.5 out of 10.

Next, we’re going to be talking about x-factors and this is anything that didn’t make it into any of the other sections now forestry would probably be classified as a biological science degree and they make around 2.3 million dollars over an entire lifetime that’s a little bit lower than the average degree in all different types of jobs of around 2.4 million so.

How Much Those Skills Are Valued On The Job Market

When you see science degrees they’re usually about average when it comes to your earnings over an entire lifetime however it’s going to vary differently depending on what career path you go into so you can see that this one does have a decent range of careers you can get into so for instance if you went into technology you work with computers you might make over three million over a lifetime so when it comes to science degrees a lot of the time the skillset that you learn is relatively narrow so.

You’re going to be learning a lot about trees and that sort of thing and that might not directly help you if you don’t end up going into forestry however indirectly a lot of the skills that you learn will probably help you quite a bit this is probably why you see people who get science degrees having success in completely unrelated fields now when it comes to skills and how much those skills are valued on the job market.

When you look at the skill of environmental fieldwork you’re going to see it only has a 27 out of 100 scores compared that to software engineering at 88 out of 100 and industrial sewing at eight so it’s definitely on the lower side and that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have value it’s just at this particular time in history the skill of environmental fieldwork is not going to be something where a lot of people are looking to hire people for now weirdly enough this surprised me but apparently.

There’s a very high chance of automation for a lot of the forestry-related jobs so for instance forest and conservation workers have an 87 chance of being automated that’s according to the study on will however the people who responded to the poll said there’s only about a 27 chance so a lot of people think that it won’t be automated but the scientists that conducted the study think that it will so overall I’m gonna give this one a six out of 10 when it comes to x factors so some of the pros here are that it’s going to have a pretty good satisfaction rating.