Introduction Of Exercise Science Degrees And Future Benefits
Exercise Science Degrees And Future Benefits. Is an exercise science degree or exercise science major the most popular degrees and some of the most popular careers that people end up going into is going to be exercise physiologist athletic trainer and pe educational teacher so let’s talk about salary or earning potential of this degree with an exercise science degree?
An Exercise Science Degree Specifically And The Truth
You can expect to make around 38 000 a year starting and 61 000 in mid-career pay you can compare that to a high paying degree like petroleum engineering or a really low paying one like recreational therapy and you’ll see that this one is a little bit above the lowest one but not much now one career path you might go down and a lot of people want to go down this career path is becoming a personal trainer so a fitness trainer is going to make around 40 000 a year.
Which are 19 per hour and you only need to get a high school degree generally to get into it Jillian Michaels for instance probably the most famous personal trainer in the world does not have a degree bob harper as well another famous personal trainer doesn’t have a degree I think you see what I’m getting at here there are tons of different examples of successful personal trainers.
Who doesn’t have a degree a lot of them don’t have any degree never mind having an exercise science degree specifically and the truth is a lot of people who hire a personal trainer don’t care all that much about your knowledge it’s kind of a sad truth they don’t even care about your accolades if you’re on tv calling yourself an expert all people care about is the results.
Exercise Science Is A Biological Science
That you get them and how much you can motivate them to get in better shape now one other career path you might go down as becoming an exercise physiologist and this one makes around forty-nine thousand a year which is twenty-three dollars an hour now all degrees out there make around two point four million dollars over a lifetime according to the.
Census bureau an exercise science is a biological science which makes on average around 2.3 million over a lifetime that’s below average and exercises science is one of the lower ones in that group of degrees of biological sciences so one of the good things is if you can become a personal trainer that’s one of those careers out there that’s relatively entrepreneurial where you kind of get what you put in there’s physical trainers on youtube for instance that make millions of dollars a year so.
It’s one of those careers kind of like a real estate agent for instance that’s going to be high risk but also high reward however overall for most of the people who graduate with this degree it’s not going to pay all that well I’m going to give this one a score of 5 out of 10. next, we’re going to be talking about satisfaction and I break this one up into job satisfaction as well as meaning is.
Health Science Degrees Are The Fifth Least Regretted
How much you think your job positively impacts the world and job satisfaction is how much you enjoy doing your job on a day-to-day basis which if you compare that to a really good one like radiation therapy is 91 and a really bad one like plastics engineering technology is 31 one career path you might go down is an athletic trainer and for that one, the meaning score is 77 and the job satisfaction score is 78.
Which again is well above average compared that to a really good one like clergy or a really bad one like a parking lot attendant now I didn’t know whether to classify this one as a health science degree or as a science degree but health science degrees are the fifth least regretted type of degree whereas science degrees like physical science and biological science are the second most regretted so.
It’s really hard to say which one is which but what you can say is it’s not so easy for you to get a job with just a bachelor level degree now with that being said it’s going to have a lot to do with factors that are completely outside the scope of this video it’s going to be totally subjective and what matters to one person might not matter to another person for instance for some people salary is going to be the most important thing.
Things Are Going To Change Your Job Satisfaction
Whereas for other people maybe you’re like a minimalist or something salary isn’t going to matter that much it’s also going to change depending on where you live the company you work for the industry you work in who you work with what kind of pace the environment is is it fast-paced is it not fast-paced is it a leadership position or is it not a leadership position all kinds of different.
Things are going to change your job satisfaction but overall i’m going to give this one a pretty good score of 8 out of 10. now when it comes to demand when you look at a personal trainer, for instance, there are a lot of them out there there are 373 000 and it’s growing at 15 which is much faster than average meaning over the next 10 years there’s going to be 57 000 jobs.
That is created but again you only need a high school diploma to get into this one generally speaking so you’re going to be competing with a lot of other people for those jobs and I’m not really surprised there that this one is so popular personal trainers are becoming extremely popular I mean I’m thinking about getting one myself especially with the quarantine belly.
A Computer Science Degree
That i’ve put on or at least I will whenever the gym’s open about what 20 30 years another career you might go down is becoming an exercise physiologist and they are growing at around 11 which is much faster than average as well however again there’s not that many jobs out there only around 19 000 meaning over the next 10 years there’s going to be 2 200 new jobs that are created and this is a very popular degree where tons of people are graduating with it every year because they’re so passionate about exercise and it’s just simple supply and demand.
There’s not going to be enough job openings for all those people so one test that i like to do is to type into exercise science degree and you’ll see that only 709 jobs pop up for a computer science degree you’re going to see 141 000 and for anthropology one that’s not very good you’re going to see 800. so this one is actually below the lowest bar it’s worse than the one that I use as an example of one that’s not very good and that’s not a good sign that’s way worse.
Now I’ll admit that’s not a perfect test by any means don’t get me wrong but overall when it comes to getting a bachelor’s degree for this one there’s not going to be very much demand I’m going to give this one a score of 4 out of 10.
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