Introduction Of Human Resource Degree Pros And Cons
Human Resource Degree Pros And Cons. Is a human resource management degree salary or earning potential so according to pay scale if you graduate with a human resource management degree you would expect to make around 45 000 a year starting and 74 000 in mid-career pay you can compare that to a high paying degree or a really low paying degree and you’ll see that it’s kind of somewhere in the middle and probably on the lower side now two career paths you might go into is becoming a human resource manager or a human resource specialist.
Hr Managers According To BLS
Hr managers according to BLS are going to make around 116 000 a year and then one step down from that is going to be hr specialists and they make around 61 000. now some other career paths you might end up going down with this degree would be administrative services manager compensation and benefits manager or maybe a labor relations specialist.
This is technically a business degree and when you look at the work-life earnings aka how much you earn over an entire lifetime business-related degrees tend to earn more than average so the average over a lifetime is 2.4 million and business degrees earn around 2.6 million and then if you go into a business-related profession then you’d make around 2.8 million however if you become a manager you’d probably make around 3.3 million overall hr is not going to be one of the higher paying business degrees.
But at the same time, it’s also not bad so I’d say it’s probably a little bit above average so for this one I’m going to give it a score of 7.5 out of 10 when it comes to earning potential or salary next we’re going to be talking about satisfaction and for this one I like to combine two different things which are meaning and job satisfaction so the meaning is basically how much you think your job positively impacts the world in a significant way and then job satisfaction is just how much do you enjoy doing your job on.
According To Pay Scale A Human Resources Degree
A day-to-day basis so if your job was being a professional food taster and you just got to go around tasting food all day long you’d probably enjoy that a lot but it might be questionable whether you think it has high meaning whether it positively impacts the world so according to pay scale a human resources degree has a meaning score of about 54 meaning 54 percent of people.
Who graduates with this degree go into a career where they think their job significantly positively impacts the world compare that to a high score like radiation therapy or a really low score like plastics engineering technology and you see here that it’s pretty average maybe slightly above average when you look at a specific career like human resource manager you see that the meaning score jumps up a little bit to around 61 which again slightly above average and when you look at job satisfaction it’s about 73.
This is pretty good as well compare that to clergy which has high scores across the board and parking lot attendance which is low now just from personal experience I know several people who have gone into her and of course it does depend on your personality but they seem to enjoy it you would probably want to be outgoing here because you’re going to be around other people pretty much all the time and this section of the course is extremely subjective and a lot of the time.
New Jobs Created Human Resource Specialists
It’s going to depend on other factors that are outside of your control like the business you work for the industry you work in the people that you work with where you live etc so as long as you’re not like toby from the office you’re probably going to be good here no god please no no this one I’m going to give it a score of 8.5 out of 10. now when it comes to demand this is probably the most important one out of all the metrics.
Because it influences everything else a lot of the time it comes down to simple supply and demand if you learn skills that are high in demand chances are you’re going to get paid more chances are the companies are going to treat you better you’re going to get a lot more opportunities so you’re going to have higher job satisfaction etc now with that being said human resource manager which is one of the common careers is growing at about 6 over the next 10 years meaning.
There are 165 000 jobs right now and pretty soon they’re going to have 10 000 new jobs created human resource specialists, on the other hand, is growing even faster at around 7 and that’s with 666 000 jobs available already and that means over the next 10 years there’s going to be 46 000 new jobs created now if you search for the keyword human resource management degree you’ll see that around 28 000 jobs pop up this is pretty good and you can compare it to something.
Human Resource Management Degree
That has extremely high demand like computer science or something that has really low demand like anthropology however there’s one big problem here and that is you can get into human resource management with a bunch of different types of degrees a lot of people end up getting social science or liberal arts degrees and they plan to become a human resource manager or a human resource specialist so you don’t necessarily have to get a human resource management degree to get into hr to me.
That’s a really big red flag because even if it’s not saturated right now there’s a good chance it will be saturated soon because all these other degrees can get into that particular career there’s little to no barrier to entry there and so a lot of the time it might be a better idea for you to get a different degree and you’ll always have that option on top of that business-related degrees are known for being extremely flexible you can get a business degree and go into all kinds of different careers human resource management is one of the few business-related degrees.
That kind of pigeonholes you to a specific skill set so don’t get me wrong there are other career paths that you can go down but it’s not going to be as flexible as if you got an accounting degree or a finance degree so for that reason I’m going to have to give this one a 6.5 out of 10 when it comes to demanding next let’s talk about x factors and that’s going to be anything that we haven’t talked about yet and I usually like to focus on skills flexibility and how easily something will be automated or outsourced.
Now like I mentioned before over a lifetime business degree graduates tend to earn above average and there’s a ton of different career paths that they can go into business degrees are great for combining with other types of degrees in order to make them more flexible and more marketable hr management is kind of a little bit of an exception here though sure you can combine it with certain other types of degrees like maybe psychology for instance.
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