Introduction Of Food Science Degree Guide And Future Jobs
Food Science Degree Guide And Future Jobs. Is a food science degree worth it we’re going gonna be talking about the salary of course now with this degree you’re gonna start off making around 49 000 a year in your first five years and then 91 600 in mid-career pay which is 10 years and after and that’s going to be relatively decent?
What Food Science Falls Under Is Going To Be Around 2.3 Million
But just not amazing now in general biological science degrees are going to be a little bit below average when you look at someone’s lifetime earnings so the average for all occupations in all majors is going to be around 2.4 million dollars earned over a lifetime and then biological science majors which is what food science falls under is going to be around 2.3 million so it’s a little bit below average now there are a decent amount of career paths that you could potentially go down here.
I’ll just name off a few of the agricultural and food science technician biochemist biological technician chemical technician conservation scientist environmental scientist farmer rancher and microbiologist now as an agricultural and food scientist you’re going to make around 65 000 a year this is the most obvious career path that you might go down but there’s.
A Conservation Scientist And They Make Around 62 000 A Year
A lot of other options as well you might become a forester or a conservation scientist and they make around 62 000 a year environmental scientists make around 71 000 that’s another option for you and microbiologists make around 75 000 although that might be a little bit rarer of a career path for you to go down overall when it comes to earnings and salary.
I always recommend that people try to make at least 75 000 a year because studies have shown that your happiness increases up to about 75 000 and that study was done about 10 years ago so it’s probably more like 80 000 by now but once you get past that number whatever it is which is gonna change depending on where you live and all kinds of other different factors your happiness doesn’t increase so I think that’s a really good target for you to aim for somewhere around 75 to 80 thousand dollars.
A year is where your happiness is going to max out and overall with this one I’m going to give it a score of 7 out of 10. it’s not amazing but it’s also not horrible now next on the list we’re going to be talking about satisfaction and I always like to split this one up into two different categories which are going to be more important to different people depending on.
A Food Scientist You Have Around A 72 Job Satisfaction Score
What type of person you are one of them is going to be meaning and the other one is going to be job satisfaction so the meaning is basically how much you think your job positively contributes to the world so maybe you hate your job it’s super stressful but at the end of the day you know you’re really helping other people out and so it might have a high meaning score whereas satisfaction is just how much do you enjoy doing your job it’s not necessarily something.
That is contributing to the world but maybe you enjoy it so when it comes to mean this one surprisingly scores relatively low the meaning score is 43 and just to give you an idea where that lays radiation therapy has the highest meaning score at about 90 and plastics engineering technology has a very low score at around 30 now when it comes to job satisfaction it does seem to score a little bit better so as a food scientist you have around a 72 job satisfaction score and just to give you some.
Context clergy has the highest score at around 90 and parking lot attendance has the lowest score at around 41 so 72 is on the higher side and that’s relatively good one thing I’ve noticed with science-related degrees is the people who can get a job do tend to be relatively happy because those people are probably the type of people who enjoy doing science now when it comes to science-related degrees I get a lot of flack for saying this but you guys know me I’m a straight shooter.
The Second Most Regretted Type Of Degree At Around 35 Percent
I’m just going to tell you the way that it is they aren’t very good when you compare them to the other stem degrees so people think that all stem degrees are amazing but the truth is science degrees which is the s in stem I don’t know if that’s I think you guys see it this way it’s the s in stem science degrees are not as good as the team they’re the second most regretted type of degree at around 35 percent and the reason for that is because it’s very difficult to find a job with just a bachelor level degree.
A lot of people have to go back and get a master’s or a doctorate which takes lots of extra time and it’s very expensive and I don’t think they’re as bad as a lot of other degrees there are degrees that people regret less but I think the reason for that is because they kind of knew what they were getting themselves into whereas a lot of people think that science degrees are good and they don’t understand that they’re not as good as people think they are you can compare that to a math degree or computer science degree.
Where only around 12 percent of people regret it now with that being said a lot of the time it’s gonna have more to do with either the business that you work for or the industry that you work in when it comes to job satisfaction and just satisfaction in general so, for instance, you might be doing a job that you’re not crazy about you know it’s okay but you’re working in an awesome business they treat you well they give you all the hours that you want they give you good vacation time good benefits, etc.
A Food Scientist Is Going To Be Growing Around 6 Percent
Whereas if you’re working in an industry that’s really struggling or maybe your company is struggling you might not have a very good time they’re probably going to work you hard they’re not going to pay you as well and there’s not going to be as many opportunities satisfaction is always extremely subjective so for one person this might be a 10 out of 10 and for another person it might be a one out of ten and I always recommend looking at the concept of a guy and that’s the Japanese concept.
That means a reason for being and it’s really helped me kind of discover what I want to do with my life even at an early age it did and then it’s even helped me later on in life so I always recommend looking at that and it kind of breaks it down in a way that makes a lot of sense but overall when it comes to job satisfaction I’m going to go ahead and give this one a score of 7 out of 10. next on the list, we’re going to be talking about demand and this is probably the most important one out of all of them now.
When You Type In Food Science Degree At 1 730 Jobs
When it comes to demanding a food scientist is going to be growing around 6 percent over the next 10 years for a conservation scientist it’s around 5 percent for environmental scientists it’s around eight percent which is much faster than average and for a microbiologist, it’s three percent which is about average now when it comes to being a food scientist for instance you might want to make sure that you look at the region that you want to live in for some reason food scientists.
That live in illinois make around 95 000 a year whereas ones that live in texas only make around 68 000 so there’s a huge discrepancy there now one test that i always like to do is to type in the name of the degree into either or one of those job searching websites so for instance when you type in computer science degree you have 141 000 jobs that pop up that have that as a keyword and when you type in anthropology degree you only have around 829. when you type in food science degree at 1 730 jobs.
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