Introduction Of GEOLOGY Degree And Job Guide
GEOLOGY Degree And Job Guide. Is a geology degree worth it one good thing about this degree which is different than a lot of other science degrees is that you might be able to get a job with just four years of school with just a bachelor’s degree with a lot of science degrees you won’t be able to get your entry-level job with just a bachelor’s nope you’re gonna need another one?
A Few Of Them Here Environmental Scientists Geological
That’s right you might have to get a master’s degree or a doctorate just to be able to get your first entry-level job with a lot of different science-related degrees now there’s a lot of different career paths that you could potentially go down with a geology degree and I’ll just mention a few of them here environmental scientists geological and petroleum technician hydrologist and natural science manager now the first section we’re going to go over because.
This is a personal finance channel is going to be the salary or earnings potential now you might become a geoscientist for instance and they make around 92 000 a year with just a bachelor’s degree and when it comes to careers you might be surprised to learn that you tend to make a lot more later on in your career and that’s especially true when it comes to geology degrees so for instance when you’re in your late-career you’ll be making almost twice as much as what you were making.
When you first started with a geology degree you can expect to make around 48 000 a year starting and 89 000 in mid-career pay compare this to a very high earning degree like petroleum engineering or a low earning one like recreational therapy and you’ll see there that it’s on the higher side definitely above average so this one’s above average especially for a science degree but it’s nothing special compared to all other degrees so I’m going to go ahead and give this one a 7 out of 10 for salary next.
A Geology Degree Is Going To Have A 55 Meaning Score
We’re going to talk about satisfaction and i usually talk about job satisfaction and meaning so when it comes to meaning that is how much you think your career positively impacts the world so you might hate your job but at the end of the day you know that you’re really helping people and so you know that it’s positively impacting the rest of the world which is a good thing.
Whereas job satisfaction is just how much you enjoy doing your job depending on the person one of them might be more important than the other now overall satisfaction is extremely subjective but i try to be as fair as i can when i’m talking about these so for instance a geology degree is going to have a 55 meaning score with a high meaning score being radiation therapy at 91 percent and a low meaning score being plastics engineering technology at 31. 55 is slightly above average.
I would say that’s about average for a science-related degree science degrees tend to have higher than average meaning scores and so I’d say that one’s about average or slightly above average and when it comes to job satisfaction you see that geoscientists have about a 72 job satisfaction score and again a low score would be 41 and a high score would be 90 and so 72 percent is above average as well and like I said before people who get a science degree and then they’re able to get a job with just a bachelor’s to tend to be relatively satisfied with their careers, however.
Geology Degrees Is There’s A Very Good Chance
A lot of them are not able to get a job with just a bachelor’s and that’s why science-related degrees come in as the second most regretted type of degree at around 35 percent of the people over one-third of the people who get the degree regret it but overall this one is above average people who love science tend to really love science especially the ones that want to work in a career in science and so I’m going to give this one a score of 8 out of 10. next, we’re going to be talking about demand and going back to the career.
We were talking about before which is geoscientists they are going to be growing at 5 which is faster than average over the next 10 years now one thing I’ll say here about geology degrees is there’s a very good chance that you’re going to be working in the natural gas industry now the great thing about that is the natural gas industry tends to pay well all across the board anywhere from entry-level jobs where you’re just getting out of high school and you want to work in labor a lot of the time.
You’re going to get sent out to the middle of the ocean or you know the middle of nowhere where you probably don’t want to live but you can make really good money right off the bat up to the highest paying degree out there which is petroleum engineering now, unfortunately, the bad part about working in the natural gas industry is that it’s very volatile.
When You Type In The Keyword Geology Degree
It’s extremely unstable people are going to get fired when the economy goes down there could be some kind of tax thing going on we could get into a warlike we did back in the early 2000s which caused oil prices to go up all kinds of different weird things can happen which can disrupt the industry now when you type in the keyword geology degree onto you’ll see that around 1 280 jobs pop up that means 1 280 job listings have the keyword geology degree somewhere in the post compares that to computer science.
Where over 141 000 did and then anthropology where only 829 did so it’s a little bit above anthropology which isn’t a great degree but it’s nowhere near something like computer science and that isn’t a perfect test by any means but when you see a really low number like that it can be a little bit of a red flag so with all that being said I’m going to go ahead and give this one a 6.5 out of 10 when it comes to demanding next we’re going to be talking about x-factors and this is going to go over anything that.
We didn’t mention it before but I think is still important now first of all when you look at the census data all college degrees and all different types of careers earn about 2.4 million dollars throughout an entire lifetime at least they have up to this point now when you look at physical science degrees which geology is a physical science it earns around 2.6 million dollars over an entire lifetime that’s going to be a little bit above average so that’s a good thing and you can see when you go down that depending on what type of career path you go into you can make a lot more so for instance if you work with computers.
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