Biology Study And Degree Benefits Bright Future

Biology Study And Degree Benefits Bright Future
Biology Study And Degree Benefits Bright Future

Introduction Of Biology Study And Degree Benefits Bright Future

Biology Study And Degree Benefits Bright Future. Is a biology degree you would expect to make around 44 000 a year starting and 80 000 in mid-career pay now there’s a bunch of different career paths of course that you could go down but one of them would be a biological technician and they make around 45 000 a year another one you could.

Which Is What Biology Falls Under Over A Lifetime

Become is a forensic science technician and they make around 59 000 and of course, you could become a microbiologist and they make around 75 000 a year now the great thing about all those careers that I just mentioned is they don’t require you to get a graduate-level degree like a master’s or a doctorate you can get into them with just a bachelor’s and that can be.

A bit of an issue with some of these science-related degrees you might have trouble finding a job with just a bachelor’s and so it’s good to know that there are some careers out there that you can get with just a bachelor’s in biology now when you look at the biological sciences which is what biology falls under over a lifetime they earn a little bit less than the average college degree so.

The average college degree is going to earn around 2.4 million dollars over a lifetime at least they did in the last census and a biological science degree will earn around 2.3 million so it’s a little bit below average when it comes to your earnings on top of that a lot of the people who graduate with a degree in science will likely go on to get their masters or their doctorate and so.

Biology Has A Score Of Around 65 Percent Compare

It would make more sense that they would earn more we’re mostly just comparing bachelors to bachelors we’re going to keep this as an apples to apples comparison and the truth is this one isn’t horrible but at the same time, it’s also not super impressive so i’m going to give it a 6.5 out of 10 when it comes to salary or earnings potential now.

When it comes to satisfaction i like to talk about meaning as well as just how much you enjoy your job so when it comes to meaning which is how much you think your job positively impacts the world you see that biology has a score of around 65 percent compare this to a really high one which is a medical degree like radiation therapy at 91 percent and a really low one like plastics engineering technology at 31. and you can see that.

It’s above average and a lot of science degrees are above average when it comes to job satisfaction and meaning when you look at job satisfaction on the same website pay scale you’ll see that a career like a biological technician for instance has a job satisfaction rating of around 53 percent compare this to clergy which has one of the highest at 90 percent and parking lot attendance.

When It Comes To Job Satisfaction

Which is 41 one of the lowest now when it comes to majors that people regret getting a lot of people do end up regretting getting science degrees it’s the second most regretted major out there and the main reason that 35 of people regret it is that you really can’t get a job a lot of the time without getting an advanced degree like a master’s a doctorate or a professional degree.

Now keep in mind here that when it comes to job satisfaction and meaning a lot of the time it’s going to have more to do with the company that you work for or the industry that you work in or sometimes even the role that you’re in for instance if you’re somebody who likes leadership and being a manager if you have a manager position you’re probably going to be more satisfied with it.

But with that being said usually when you see these science degrees the satisfaction overall is pretty good so I’m going to give this one a 7.5 out of 10. next, we’re going to be talking about demand and that’s just how much your degree is going to be looked at by business owners and hiring managers who are potentially looking to hire people now.

When it comes to demand we’re going to be going over the careers that we talked about before so biological technician, for instance, is growing at around 5 which is slightly faster than average over the next 10 years forensic science technician is growing it’s 14 which is much faster than average and microbiologists are growing at 3 which is around average now when it comes to science-related degrees, in general, they’re not all that well known for having a lot of demand especially at the bachelor’s level.

A Biology Degree Is Going To Be More Flexible

A lot of the time the skills that you learn are a little bit too narrow and they’re valuable don’t get me wrong they’re extremely valuable the problem with them is a lot of the time the skills that you learn with a science degree especially at the bachelor’s level are just a little bit too narrow so they’re really valuable skills don’t get me wrong you know doing things in a lab, for instance, is extremely valuable but.

If you don’t end up getting a job that’s in a lab you kind of just spent a bunch of time learning skills that you’re not going to be able to learn or use anywhere else however a biology degree is going to be more flexible than a lot of the other science degrees and so one test that I always like to do is to look up the degree on or so for instance.

When you type in biology degree as a keyword on around 19 200 jobs pop up compare this to one where there’s a lot of job postings like computer science with over 140 000 and then one where there’s not much demand like anthropology with less than a thousand now when I was researching this one reading a bunch of different forums and different places.

Biology Is A Science Degree

Where people who have biology degrees kind of give their experience I found that a lot of people were pretty disappointed and I think the reason for that is because people think that all stem degrees are going to be fantastic and biology is a science degree right but the truth is compared to the other stem degrees science is not nearly as good as technology engineering or mathematics when it comes to the numbers so.

I’m going to go ahead and give this one a 6.5 out of 10 when it comes to demand now when it comes to x-factors you can see that the u.s census bureau shows that all college degrees in all different professions make around 2.4 million dollars throughout an entire lifetime if you get a biological science degree which is what biology falls under you’re going to make around 2.3 million so that’s probably a little bit below average ZipRecruiter has a skills index list where they rank different skills and how valuable.

They are on the open market so how much are companies willing to pay people that have specific skills this isn’t necessarily how valuable the skill itself is for instance i think art is extremely valuable but a lot of companies are not going to be willing to pay people for their art and so you’re going to have to figure out.

How to make money with it in a different way so you know maybe start a business something along those lines but with that being said biology did come in scoring around 60 out of 100 which is pretty good software engineering came in as the highest score at 88 out of 100 and an example of a really low one would be industrial sewing at eight.