Majors For Engineering Degrees In 2025

Majors For Engineering Degrees In 2022
Majors For Engineering Degrees In 2022

Introduction Of Majors For Engineering Degrees In 2022

Majors For Engineering Degrees In 2022. The best double majors for engineering the best on the entire list starting right after four years of college right after your bachelor degree at 101 000 a year is just that’s nuts a little bit more realistic one would be computer science plus engineering and that one you’re going to start around 74 000 a year and then mid-career pay would be 124 000.

Becoming A Computer Network Architect

Now one career path that you might go down is becoming a computer network architect and they make around a hundred and twelve thousand dollars a year there are a hundred and sixty thousand jobs available and it’s growing at five percent which is faster than average I remember there was one time and I’ve told this story before on the channel but very briefly.

I’ll just kind of tell it again there was one time when I was studying in college and there was always this McDonald’s that I would go to study because they had free wi-fi and cheap coffee and a lot of the time there would be this other guy who was there working on his laptop eventually we started talking to each other and he told me what he did for. You Can Also Read BIOCHEMISTRY Degree And Study Guidance In 2022.

A living and he was a computer network architect it turned out that he was kind of one of the world’s foremost experts on his specific niche in computer network architecture he worked for one of the biggest companies in the world and he only worked like maybe 10 to 20 hours a week it kind of depended on which week it was yet he was getting paid in the multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Engineering Degree Is Probably One Of The Most Difficult Degrees

A year so he was just semi-retired and he was kind of just consulting for the company maybe 10 hours a week sometimes it would be a little bit more and then there would be some weeks where you pretty much wouldn’t do anything so as you can see these are skills that are highly valued if you can get good at this sort of thing get your little niche down.

You’re going to be good to go however I will say here that a computer science degree is already pretty difficult on its own and an engineering degree is probably one of the most difficult degrees that you could do there are many people that aren’t able to finish their engineering degree or even their computer science degree in four years and they have to take an extra year sometimes even two years so double majoring in.

These would be even more difficult so you want to know what you’re getting yourself into if you try to do something like this realistically the average person is probably not going to double major in computer science and engineering unless you’re some kind of genius or child prodigy but if you do you are going to be good to go and one test that.

An Electrical Engineering Degree

I always like to do is type in what degree you want to get onto so for instance when you type in computer science degree about 142 000 job listings pop up which means 142 000 jobs mention the keyword computer science degree you can compare that to a theater arts degree were only about 235 job listings list that keyword and an.

An electrical engineering degree is somewhere in the middle still pretty good and that’s around 23 400 job listings so even if you just got an electrical engineering degree on its own you’d be good to go and same for computer science realistically you probably wouldn’t want to get both of them together unless it was a very specific situation.

Where you’re trying to go for you know a very specific job that wants people to have both of those skills next on the list we’re going to talk about something that might be even more difficult which would be an engineering degree plus another engineering degree so, for instance, you might get a chemical engineering degree and a good combination with that would be.

A Material Science Engineering Degree

A material science engineering degree with that one you would expect to make around 74 000 a year starting and 137 000 in mid-career pay another great combination might be a mechanical engineering degree with an aeronautical engineering degree and with those you would expect to make around sixty-six thousand dollars.

A year starting and 119 000 in mid-career pay another one that I think would be very synergistic it would be a good combination would be a computer engineering degree and an electrical engineering degree where you would expect to make around 73 000 a year starting and 123 000 in mid-career pay so one career path that you might go down if you got that last one, for instance, would be a computer hardware engineer.

They make around 117 000 a year there are 71 000 jobs available and it’s growing at 2 which isn’t that great especially when you consider it’s in the technology industry however with that being said the skills that you learn as a computer hardware engineer wouldn’t be very difficult for you to just transition into another type of technology career.

Hard Engineering Degrees Are Always Going To Be At The Top

I’m just going to mention this again this is very subjective of course because everybody has their strengths but whenever I do research on the degrees that are going to be really hard engineering degrees are always going to be at the top of the list you want to be honest with yourself here and if I’m being honest with myself I don’t know if.

I would have been able to do an engineering degree at 18 years old maybe I would have risen to the occasion but to be honest with you I was more interested in just enjoying college so doing two engineering degrees at the same time would be just crazy unless you’re super smart or maybe it’s your passion it’s like you just can’t stop thinking about it.

It’s the number one thing in your life other than that you probably don’t want to do it a better idea especially when it comes to engineering would be to get a dual degree something like electromechanical engineering where you’re going to be learning something about electronics but also about mechanical engineering at the same time next on the list.

Engineering Degree Plus A Science Degree So One Synergistic Combination

We’re going to be talking about an engineering degree plus a science degree so one synergistic combination that you might consider here would be material science and engineering with this combo you’d make around sixty-nine thousand dollars a year starting and a hundred and eleven thousand in mid-career pay another one you might consider would be polymer science and engineering and with this.

One you’d make around sixty-nine thousand dollars starting and a hundred and three thousand in mid-career pay so one career path you might consider going down is becoming a chemical engineer they make around a hundred and eight thousand dollars a year there are thirty-two thousand jobs available it’s growing at four percent which is around average now.

A Chemical Engineering Degree

One great thing that I will say about engineering degrees is just the fact that they’re so well respected so let’s say you get a chemical engineering degree and then you want to become a chemical engineer and then maybe five years down the line you decide hey I don’t want to do this anymore it’s relatively easy for you to go into different career paths the reason for this is because first of all the skills that you learn as an engineer is just extremely practical and then second.

A lot of companies have the philosophy of just hiring the smartest people they know that if you’re an engineer you’re able to get through that curriculum you’re probably a really smart person who’s also an extremely hard worker now.