Animal Science Degree And Study Majors Guide

Animal Science Degree And Study Majors Guide
Animal Science Degree And Study Majors Guide

Introduction Of Animal Science Degree And Study Majors Guide

Animal Science Degree And Study Majors Guide. Is an animal science degree worth I think that’s what most of the people are here for so when it comes to the salary you can expect to make around eight thousand dollars a year in your first five years after graduating and sixty-four thousand in mid-career pay mid-career pay means ten years after?

Animal Science Is On The Lower Side

You start working and then after that now to compare that to a really good degree and a really bad degree when it comes to salary with a petroleum engineering degree you start off making 94 000 a year and mid-career pay is 176 000 whereas with a recreational therapy degree you start off making 35 000 and mid-career pay is 51 000.

So you can see that animal science is on the lower side unfortunately and that kind of makes sense because let’s be honest everybody loves animals and so this is probably a relatively popular degree that a lot of people want to go in because they want to be able to work with animals professionally and unfortunately the laws of supply and demand.

Which is just basic economics kicks in if lots of people want to do something as a career it’s probably going to get saturated relatively quickly which means there’s going to be lower pay so one career path you might go down is becoming a farmer and they make around 71 000 a year but technically you don’t have to get a degree to become a farmer you can do it with just a high school diploma another career path you could get into is becoming a zoologist and they make around 63 000 a year and when it comes to salary.

Happiness Studies Have Shown That The More Money

This is not the most important thing but i always like to talk about studies on happiness studies have shown that the more money you make up to a certain point the happier you are another way you could think about this is when you make more money you decrease your unhappiness because you don’t have financial stresses now usually it’s going to peak out around 75 to 80 000.

A year in terms of your maximum amount of happiness and then past that making more money isn’t going to make you any more happy now of course that’s going to be different depending on where you live what your lifestyle is like etc but overall i like to say generally speaking you want to aim for a career where you can make at least 75 to 80 000 a year just so you can maximize your happiness now unfortunately a lot of these careers are going to be on the lower side and so when it comes to salary. You Can Also Read Majors For Engineering Degrees In 2022.

I have to give this one a pretty low score it’s going to be 5 out of 10. next, we’re going to be talking about satisfaction and I always like to break this down into meaning as well as job satisfaction so the meaning is going to be how much you think your career positively impacts the world so it might be a career where you’re stressed out but at the end of the day you go home and you know that you did a lot of great things for the world whereas job satisfaction is just how much you enjoy your job now.

Which Are What Animal Science Falls

When it comes to mean this one does have a relatively good score it has a score of about 64 and just to compare that radiation therapy has a very high score at 90 and plastics engineering technology has a very low score at 30 so it’s definitely above average and this makes a lot of sense because people who love animals really love animals and honestly just about everybody loves animals.

But people who love animals really like animals we’re talking like cat ladies here you know nothing wrong with that by the way okay cat ladies are great I like ferrets maybe someday I’ll be like a ferret man okay now when it comes to job satisfaction when you look at a zoologist, for instance, it also scores relatively well I like to use.

The same website just to you know compare apples to apples and their score is 77 which if you look at a really good one like clergy for instance that’s 90 I think that’s the highest one on the list and then one of the lower ones would be a parking lot attendant which has a relatively low job satisfaction score at 41 so 77 is definitely on the higher side there as well now.

What Animal Science Falls Under Have A High Regret Rate

Another thing I like to talk about is how much people regret getting their degree and unfortunately, the biological sciences which are what animal science falls under have a high regret rate so it’s the second most common type of degree when it comes to regret at about 35 percent of the people getting the degree saying they wish they didn’t get it and the biggest reason for that is because.

It was very hard for them to find a job with just a bachelor’s level degree this is relatively unknown and I talk about it all the time on this channel but a lot of people who get science degrees think that they’re going to be able to get a job with just a bachelor’s and then they find out unfortunately at the last moment that they have to go back to school and get a master’s or a doctorate a lot of the time just to get an entry-level job now.

I also like to mention here that satisfaction is completely subjective it could be one out of ten for one person and then the same job is 10 out of 10 for another person some people like fast-paced jobs some people like super slow easy jobs so it’s always difficult for me to give a satisfaction rating because it’s so subjective but with that being said another thing that’s going to influence the outcome of your satisfaction is going to be the industry that you work for as well as the company.

How Much Opportunity Is In The Industry

That you work for sometimes it’s not about the job itself a lot of the time it has to do with how well your company treats you or how much opportunity is in the industry that you’re in so if you’re in a dying industry one that’s struggling it’s being disrupted right now you know people are getting laid off left and right chances are you’re probably not going to get treated as well as if you were in a flourishing industry like tech or finance and the same thing goes for a company if you work for a company.

That’s really struggling they’re going to be pinching pennies left and right they’re going to work you hard and you’re probably not going to get paid as well and you’re not going to have as many opportunities for promotions etc so with all that being said you know keep that in mind i’m gonna go ahead and give this one a relatively good score of 7.5 out of 10 when it comes to satisfaction next on the list we’re going to be talking about demand and in my opinion demand.

The most important out of all of the different factors now when it comes to farmers for instance this industry is currently being disrupted by technology they are expected to grow at negative six percent over the next 10 years zoologists on the other hand are expected to grow at a positive rate of 4 percent.