MATH Degrees Pros And Cons

MATH Degrees Pros And Cons
MATH Degrees Pros And Cons

Introduction Of MATH Degrees Pros And Cons

MATH Degrees Pros And Cons. The best double majors for math degrees when it comes to math-related degrees, in my opinion, they do combine well with a lot of other types of degrees so for instance, you could double major in mathematics and economics and they make around 59 000 a year starting and 103 000 in mid-career pay.

Double Majors In Mathematics

Whereas economics makes around 58 000 a year starting and 109 000 in mid-career pay so one career path that you could go down is you could become an economist of course and they make around 105 000 a year it is growing at 14 which is much faster than average however usually you’re gonna have to get a master’s level degree to get.

A job as an economist now economics is one of the better you know social science liberal arts types of degrees however one of the weaknesses especially depending on what program you go to is some of them are not very good when it comes to teaching you the math side of things so it might be a good idea for you to either take extra classes in minor in or double major in mathematics. You Can Also Read TECHNOLOGY Degrees Study And Bright Majors Guide In 2022.

Statistics might be another one that would be a good idea for you to double major in as well now I will say here that a mathematics degree is going to be pretty difficult on its own so for a lot of people double majoring in mathematics and economics would probably be a little bit too much and I wouldn’t recommend doing it.

Mathematics Degrees Combined With Technology Degrees

However, if you look into it and you figure that there’s a career path that you want to go down that this would make sense this could be a really good option for you and when I did the video on the degrees that create the most millionaires economics did come in at number three on the list I think the reason for this is because if you graduate with an economics degree.

First of all, you’re probably going to be making a lot better investment decisions and most importantly you’re probably going to start investing at an earlier age most people don’t start investing until they’re in their 30s a lot of the time even in their 40s and so if you start investing in your early 20s you’re way ahead of the curve.

Before but if you just invest 10 to 15 a day into your Roth ira until retirement you will easily become a millionaire now on top of that a lot of the time people who study economics are going to tend to be a little bit entrepreneurial and start their own business and if you can start a successful business you’ll probably make quite a bit more than somebody.

Who just has a salary job next on the list we’re going to be talking about mathematics degrees combined with technology degrees so a cool example here would be computer science and mathematics with a computer science degree you would expect to make around 70 000 a year starting and 116 000 in mid-career pay.

Mathematics Is A Pretty Good Degree

Whereas with a mathematics degree you’d expect to make around 59 000 a year starting and 103 000 in mid-career pay now one career path you might go down is becoming a computer and information research scientist also known as a data scientist and they make around 122 000 a year there’s 32 000 jobs and it’s growing at a ridiculous 15.

Which is much faster than average now mathematics is a pretty good degree on its own it’s viable however one of the problems that you commonly see people running into is it’s a little bit too theoretical and hard to apply those mathematic skills to real life it’s not something like engineering were sure you’re learning.

A lot of math and stuff like that but they’re teaching you how you can apply that to real-life very easily now of course this is going to differ depending on what program you’re in what college you go to etc but a lot of mathematics majors end up going into the technology industry and working as software developers and of course, their mathematic skills would be more advanced than someone.

Who just got a computer science degree and so they would be able to bring something unique to the table now zip recruiter did this skills index that I talk about a lot in my videos and if you look at the skills index which just rates skills on how valuable they are on the market aka how much businesses are willing to pay people who have these skills from one to one hundred you’ll see.

That the top of the list is just littered with technology-related skills software engineering programming software deployment application development web services skills and I know that it’s pretty much a meme at this point that I mentioned computer science at least once in every single video but there’s a reason for that because of the skills.

What you learn when you do computer science are extremely valuable on the market right now you’re still going to have the same problem here where this is going to be very difficult for you to double major and then some schools and some programs are going to make that much easier for you and then some of them are going to be like what the heck are you trying to do here.

Mathematics Degree Plus A Science Degree

So you do want to keep that in mind of course but this one can be a pretty good option in the right situation number three on the list is going to be a mathematics degree plus a science degree so this is one that I got asked about before would it be a good idea for you to get a double major in physics and mathematics well a physics degree you would make around 62 000.

A year starting and 113 000 in mid-career pay whereas with a mathematics degree you’d make around 59 000 a year starting and 103 000 in mid-career pay now I think the reason that the physics degree ranks a little bit better on here is just that it’s a little bit more practical again sometimes with mathematics it can be a little more theoretical and focus on stuff.

Mathematics Of The Real World Now One Career

That’s hard for you to apply to the real world whereas physics is the science and mathematics of the real world now one career path you might go down is becoming a physicist of course and they make around 122 000 a year there are 20 000 jobs available and it’s growing at seven percent which is faster than average however you’re generally going to have to get a doctoral level degree to become.

A physicist now one thing I would say here is not only would this be very difficult physics might be the most difficult major out there and then when you combine that with math which is probably top you know 20 most difficult majors it’s going to be very hard for you to double major in these however there are some geniuses out there that could probably do it very easily with that being said it would also be somewhat redundant as well you’d probably learn a lot of the same skills doing a physics degree as you would doing a maths degree so there might be a very specific career path.