ART DEGREES Study Guide And Majors Guidance

ART DEGREES Study Guide And Majors Guidance
ART DEGREES Study Guide And Majors Guidance

Introduction Of ART DEGREES Study Guide And Majors Guidance

ART DEGREES Study Guide And Majors Guidance. The best double majors for art degrees the first one on the list is going to be an art degree and a technology degree and in this example, we’re going to use graphic design and computer science so a cs degree you would expect to make around seventy thousand dollars a year starting and a hundred and sixteen thousand in mid-career pay with a graphic design degree.

Art Is The Fact That It Will Probably Never Be Automated For Instance

It’s gonna be quite a bit less, of course, you’re gonna make around forty-two thousand dollars a year starting and sixty 000 in mid-career pay one career path you might go down is becoming a web developer and they make around seventy-three thousand dollars a year there are a hundred and seventy-four thousand jobs available and it is growing at eight percent which is much faster than average now there are quite a few downsides to getting an art degree and so you can check those out.

If you want to one of the upsides to art is the fact that it will probably never be automated for instance if you became a multimedia artist or an animator there’s about a 1.5 chance according to will that it’s going to be automated so if you can get a job then you probably won’t have to worry about it getting automated number two on the list is going to be an art degree plus. You Can Also Read MATH Degrees Pros And Cons.

A business degree now in my opinion business degrees overall make the best double majors they go with just about anything out there and if you think about it it makes a lot of sense because you can work for just about any business in any industry and a ton of different types of careers with a business degree so one example here would be doing product design mixed with marketing and with a product design degree.

An Arts Degree Plus An Engineering Degree

You would make around 58 000 a year starting and 95 000 in mid-career pay and with a marketing degree you’d make around 49 000 starting and 91 000 in mid-career one career path you might go down with this combination would be marketing manager they make around 135 000 a year there are 314 000 jobs available and it’s growing at six percent.

Which is faster than average now I talked about this in my video the degrees that create the most millionaires but business degrees made up six out of the top 10 on that list and I think it’s because you tend to learn personal finance skills at a young age like investing saving and budgeting but I think it also has to do with how flexible the degree is in the fact that.

It teaches you skills that are evergreen so, for instance, you might work for a few years get some skills get some experience and then you decide to start your own business if there are one category of degrees that I would think would be the best idea especially for an art major for you to double major in it would be business degree next one on the list is going to be an art degree plus an engineering degree.

An Industrial Design Degree

Now the example here is going to be industrial design plus industrial engineering it seems like that combination would go together really well so with an industrial design degree you’d make 52 000 a year starting and 93 000 in mid-career pay with an industrial engineering degree you’d make 68 000 a year starting and 111 000 in mid-career another.

One you might consider would be architecture plus civil engineering with architecture you’d make forty-eight thousand dollars a year starting and eighty-seven thousand in mid-career pay and with civil engineering, you’d make sixty-one thousand starting and a hundred and three thousand in mid-career now one career path you might end up going down would be an industrial engineer they make around eighty-eight 88 000 a year there are 295 000 jobs available and it’s growing at 10 which is much faster than average now.

Historically speaking engineering degrees have been extremely good they’re not quite as good as they used to be but when you look at the census data for instance engineering degrees make over a lifetime more money than any type of degree now of course if they do this census data about 20 30 years from now this could be completely different but as of right now.

An Art Degree Plus Any Type Of Degree

Engineers make around 3.5 million dollars over a lifetime compared to the average of 2.4 million for all types of college degrees and if you look they tend to make quite a bit of money no matter what career path you go down so for instance if you go into art and media career path you’re still going to make around 3 million dollars.

I will say here the engineering degrees are very difficult on their own so double majoring in something else would probably be out of the question for most people next to one on the list is going to be an art degree plus any type of degree that’s practical so, for instance, you might do advertising design plus a statistics degree now if you look up the keyword on advertising design degree only about 146 job listings have.

Those words listed however if you look up statistics degree on over 29 000 job listings has that as a keyword this isn’t a perfect test by any means but it’s usually a good sign if you look up a degree and there’s a lot of job postings and that’s kind of the issue with a lot of art-related degrees is there’s just not that many people out there.

An Art Degree Is Not Going To Help You Be Successful

That is going to be willing to hire you to do art and that’s why number five on the list is maybe you should consider not double majoring in maybe minor instead in fact it might be a good idea to consider just taking extra classes or doing it on the side for some people it would be great to just keep it as a hobby but if you want to do it as your profession you’re probably going to have to get creative maybe start a youtube channel start your business something along those lines and but.

Most people would argue that getting an art degree is not going to help you be successful as an artist most of the time you would be better off if you spent those four years just practicing your craft then after those four years you probably would have learned more and you wouldn’t be 40 000 in debt but i know this is extremely subjective and there might be some situations where getting a college degree is a good idea when it comes to art the best thing you can do is to make a good plan figure out.

What your goal is and then figure out what steps you need to take in order to get there so for instance if you want to be a professional artist you might want to go and find people who are professional artists and ask them.