Liberal Arts Degree And Best Bright Major

Liberal Arts Degree And Best Bright Major
Liberal Arts Degree And Best Bright Major

Introduction Of Liberal Arts Degree And Best Bright Major

Liberal Arts Degree And Best Bright Major. The best double majors for liberal arts degrees there is software development there you would be making a hundred and seven thousand dollars a year there are 1.4 million jobs available and it’s growing at a ridiculous 22 percent your background in mathematics would help you quite a bit.

Liberal Arts Degrees Do Have Quite A Few Downsides

When it comes to the computer science side of things and then the fact that you studied philosophy and you understand logic well would also help you now liberal arts degrees do have quite a few downsides but one of the things that’s good about it is it’s not likely to be automated same goes for math-related degrees as well.

So something like software engineering for instance only has about a four percent chance of being automated according to will robots another one you might consider looking into would be a liberal arts degree plus a business degree something like economics mixed with general business with an economics degree you would expect to make 58 000.

A year starting and 109 000 in mid-career pay and with a general business degree you’d make forty-seven thousand dollars a year starting in eighty-three thousand dollars mid-career one career path you might go down is becoming a financial manager they would make around 129 000 a year there’s 697 000 jobs available and it’s growing at 15 which is good now there’s a lot of really good things about business-related degrees, first of all, they’re extremely flexible and so they go well.

When It Comes To Double Majoring With Other Types Of Degrees

When it comes to double majoring with other types of degrees think about it pretty much every company in every industry and a ton of different career types out there are going to be hiring people that have business degrees so pretty much doesn’t matter what type of degree you pair it with you’re probably going to make yourself look a little better.

When it comes to double majoring now another thing that’s great about business degrees is when I did the video on the degrees that create the most millionaires business degrees were all over the list I believe they made six out of the top 10. now don’t get me wrong business degrees do tend to lead to careers where you do have a pretty good salary.

But I don’t think that’s the main reason I think the two main reasons here are for one when you do business-related degrees you’re probably going to learn some of the basics of personal finance at a very young age things like budgeting saving and investing are going to be things you’re going to learn pretty young and I’ve talked about this before but if you start investing about 15 a day when you’re 18 years old you will easily retire as a multi-millionaire then on top of that I can’t prove this I think that people.

Liberal Arts Degrees Plus Engineering Degrees

Who get business degrees tend to go on to start businesses more often than others and if you start a successful business you’re likely going to make quite a bit more money than someone who has a normal nine to five job next on the list is going to be liberal arts degrees plus engineering degrees so an example of this one might be urban planning plus civil engineering with urban planning.

You’d start off making around forty-eight thousand dollars a year and eighty-eight thousand in mid-career pay with civil engineering you’d start off making sixty one thousand a year and a hundred and three thousand mid-career if you become an urban and regional planner you’d make seventy-four thousand dollars a year there are thirty-nine thousand jobs available and it’s growing at 11 which is faster than average now I’m going, to be honest with you here generally speaking this isn’t going to be true for everyone.

I know everyone’s a little bit different but generally speaking, engineering degrees are some of the hardest out there and liberal arts degrees are probably not going to be nearly as hard so usually when it comes to engineering degrees it’s going to be very hard for you to double major in anything else in fact a lot of people are going to have trouble doing an engineering degree in four years so.

Double Majoring Liberal Arts Would Be One Of The Few Other Types Of Degree

When it comes to double majoring liberal arts would be one of the few other types of degrees where it would be realistic for normal people with that being said it’s still going to be extremely difficult i don’t think that i would have been ready to do an engineering degree at 18. I pretty much wanted to just have fun in college especially earlier on so you pretty much just have to be honest with yourself and realize.

What your limits are now that being said engineering degrees, in general, tend to earn more throughout an entire lifetime than any other type of degree the average degree earns around 2.4 million dollars in a lifetime whereas an engineering degree will earn 3.5 million and this is pretty much across the board and it doesn’t matter what career path you go down for instance.

If you go into arts and media you’re still going to be earning on average about 3 million over a lifetime and if you go into community service and legally you’re going to be earning 3.2 million so engineering degrees tend to do extremely well pretty much no matter what career path you decide to go down and mixing the extremely practical hard skills that.

A Liberal Arts Degree Might Be An Incredible Combination

You learn with an engineering degree with some of the softer skills that you might learn with a liberal arts degree might be an incredible combination with that being said you do have to do your research you don’t want to waste your time taking a bunch of extra classes if you don’t need to next on the list we’re going to be talking about liberal arts degrees and technology degrees now technology degrees and just technology skills, in general, are extremely.

So for instance you might mix a criminal justice degree with an information systems degree with criminal justice you’d make 40 000 a year starting and 66 000 in mid-career pay and with information systems, you’d make 59 000 starting and 101 000 mid-career i think technology is affecting every single industry out there whether it’s totally disrupting the industry or whether it’s just streamlining things so learning technology-related skills can help you pretty much no matter.

Liberal Art Degree So One Example

What direction you decide to go so let’s say you decided to be a CSI detective type person and you wanted to become a computer systems analyst they make around 90 thousand dollars a year there are 000 jobs available and it’s growing at 7 which is faster than average then you could end up being one of those awesome nerds on CSI or criminal minds that starts looking stuff up when.

They’re trying to find the bad guy another thing that’s great about technology-related careers is that it’s not very likely that they’re going to be automated so for instance computer system analyst has only a 0.7 chance of being automated next on the list we’re going to be talking about a liberal arts degree plus another liberal art degree so one example here, of course, would be political science plus economics with a poli sci degree you would expect to make 47 000.

A year starting out and 89 000 in mid-career pay and with an economics degree you’d make 58 000 starting out and 109 000 mid-career now one career path you might go down is becoming a political scientist and they make around a hundred and twenty-two thousand a year there’s seven thousand jobs available and it’s growing at six percent.