Introduction Of Is Industrial Engineering Is Good For Future | Study Guide
Is Industrial Engineering Is Good For Future | Study Guide. Is an industrial engineering degree worth it what industrial engineering is so industrial engineering is all about the optimization of complex processes usually within an organization think about the complex process of creating an iphone for instance there are the people who create the software the hardware.
An Industrial Engineering Degree Every Year
The different materials that go together all the resources there are energy people money knowledge information all of these things come together to create an end product that somebody wants to use and the creation of that product is basically a process and if companies can make these processes better then they can create better products they can create them faster and more efficiently now.
There are around 5 500 graduates with an industrial engineering degree every year so next, we’re going to talk about salary or earning potential with industrial engineering you start off making sixty-eight thousand a year and a hundred and eleven thousand in mid-career pay you can compare this to a high paying degree and a low paying one and you’ll see that.
It’s definitely on the higher side you might end up becoming an industrial engineer and they make around 88 000 a year you also might become a cost estimator and they make around 65 000 a year and there’s a ton of different paths you can go down you can become a health and safety engineer an industrial engineering technician industrial production manager logistician or a management analyst now.
A Bit More Than Your Average Degree Now Industrial Engineering
According to us, census bureau engineers over a lifetime will make around 3.5 million dollars and of course, it depends what career path they go down but overall they make quite a bit more than your average degree now industrial engineering isn’t one of the higher paying engineering degrees but I think you do have opportunities to move into different positions.
That you might not have if you went into a different degree because it combines that engineering skillset with a business skillset I think it opens up a lot of lanes that some of the others don’t so with that being said engineering degrees tend to score well when it comes to salary or earning potential I’m going to give this one a 9 out of 10. next.
We’re going to be talking about satisfaction and I like to break this one down into job satisfaction as well as meaning now when it comes to meaning that’s how much you think the career that you went into positively impacts the world in a significant way and with industrial engineering you’ll see here that the meaning score is around 45 percent on a pay scale that’s above a really low one like plastics engineering technology but not nearly as high as something like radiation technology.
An Industrial Engineer For Instance Pay Scale
If you look at a career you might go into like an industrial engineer for instance pay scale has that at a 48 meaning score and then 70 job satisfaction so as you can see here when it comes to the meaning score it’s kind of on the lower side may be mid at best however when you look at job satisfaction that does tend to be on the higher side when you compare that to one that’s good and one that’s bad now when you look at the least and the most regretted majors out of all the different types of degrees.
You can get engineering is the third least regretted type only about 15 percent of the people who got an engineering degree regret it and the reason was that the best jobs sometimes require an advanced degree however one of the great things about engineering degrees and I’ve mentioned this many times before is let’s say you want to become an industrial engineer you get into it and you realize it’s not for you there’s a lot of degrees out there where you’d just be sol like. You Can Also Read A Software Engineering Degree Is Just Excellent In 2022.
There’s nothing you can do about it but with an engineering degree you can pretty much move into any other type of career in any industry and work for just about any company engineering degrees are very flexible and I would say especially industrial engineering with the extra mathematics and business skills that you’re going to learn are pretty good when it comes to being flexible and being able to switch careers so you do have to factor that into the equation as well but with that being said satisfaction is subjective one job might be.
The Industry You Work In The Business
A nightmare for someone and a daydream for someone else depends on a bunch of different factors as well the industry you work in the business you work for your co-workers where you live in the country etc but with that being said i’m going to go ahead and give this one a score of 8 out of 10. next, we’re going to be talking about demand and by that.
I mean what jobs are going to be out there for the skill set that an industrial engineering degree is going to teach you now if you want to become an industrial engineer for instance there are 295 jobs available right now and it’s growing at 10 which is much faster than average that means over the next 10 years there’s gonna be 30 000 new jobs that are created that’s good especially for an engineering career now based off of a study from 2019 engineering is one of the least likely degrees for people to be unemployed of course.
I don’t know how true that is any more you know a lot of things have happened since then so it could potentially be that that’s not true we won’t know until all of this is over and some studies come out on that sort of thing but I will say that this is one of the most versatile engineering degrees because it’s not as specialized as a lot of the other ones engineering degrees are good.
Industrial Engineering Degree You’re Combining.
Because it teaches you how to solve problems and it’s generally just really well respected overall and so you might end up getting hired for a career that you know you didn’t even think you were going to go into and the reason for that is because hiring managers and business owners love to hire engineering grads but with an industrial engineering degree you’re combining.
That business skill set with an engineering skillset and so you’re going to have a lot of doors open to you that even the other engineering degrees might not have people might not be looking specifically for an industrial engineer but because you have that engineering degree and you’ve got a little bit of a business skillset as well it’ll be much easier for you to sell yourself now one test that I like to do is to look up the keyword on or either one is fine.
But look up industrial engineering degree if you do that you’re gonna see that around 3 100 jobs pop up and again you can compare that to one that’s really good in demand and really bad in demand and you’ll see there that it’s not as good as you would expect it’s definitely not going to be as good as some of the other engineering degrees but like i said just because they’re not specifically looking for an industrial engineer doesn’t mean that they won’t hire you if you apply one survey where they send out a bunch of questionnaires to companies and ask them.
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